Deivery News: Holtec - SMR-160 Phase I Complete

WSC delivered to Holtec our RELAP5-3D model for the SMR-160 reactor system and final report documenting our evaluations of the several Steady State and Transient conditions. The RELAP model includes all major systems and components of the SMR-160 reactor and ancillary systems, including variable operating parameters and boundary conditions needed to evaluate full-power steady state operating conditions, reactor coolant system start-up and shutdown modes, and transients.

In order to perform sophisticated control and monitoring of the RELAP5 models, WSC developed control logic and a simplified SMR-160 HMI using 3KEYMASTER. The implementation provides the following benefits:

 Logically controlled valves between boundary conditions and RELAP5 provide parameter value feedback and reduces or eliminates the need of making manual changes of boundary conditions and parameters,

 Simplified (compared to an actual power plant) controllers allow the user to create and support different steady-state conditions (for example, conditions based on any given power level);

 HMI and Control Logic allows running shutdown and startup scenarios of the simulated SMR-160 using similar actions and sequences to those performed on an actual power plant;

 Ability to execute different sets of transients and accidents using parallel or sequential  controls by making changes to important parameters such as set points, valve stroke times, etc.;

 Built-in 3KEYMASTER external parameter functionality provides flexible means for making changes to boundary conditions.